Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Human Cleric, +4 Charisma, +3 Dexterity, -100 Girlfriend appreciation. (I made this as a present for Pete, my 34 year old friend who plays D&D. I restrain myself to LOTR Risk and Settlers) Posted by Picasa

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Can you beat this shit? Posted by Picasa

Why she is called Toe Master. . Posted by Picasa

Stage two, "QFC closes in frive minutes, I'll paddle!" -Pete Flynn Posted by Picasa

Stage one of Toe Master's assault on Pete's dignity Posted by Picasa

PBR head, the newest Norwester headdress dance Posted by Picasa

I have no idea who might have hit Mike in the nuts, no idea at all, and it was a complete accident. Posted by Picasa

Boromir, shotgunabeer, Faramir, shotgunabeer! Posted by Picasa

The game of skittles, so far high score 80, however E Day has a pretty awesome aggregate score. Posted by Picasa

James showed up for like 15 minutes Posted by Picasa

Beach party Mike Posted by Picasa

This says it all. Posted by Picasa

As anyone can see by this board the mighty red forces of Mordor, controlled by yours truly, were victorious. Posted by Picasa

Lord of the Rings Risk, we are so fucking awesome! Posted by Picasa

Olin contemplates his impending doom Posted by Picasa

Mollie, Mollie, Mollie, bring the coffee home... Posted by Picasa

Sleepy Pete, we moved him so he didn't wake up with the worst headache of his life. Posted by Picasa

Olin definitely wins the "who's that guy" award Posted by Picasa

Remember the Rhun! Posted by Picasa

Bed swing fun times Posted by Picasa

Whos that guy in the back Posted by Picasa

Gig! Posted by Picasa

Mollie and Mike Posted by Picasa

The Southworth Vashon ferry, leaving for Gig Posted by Picasa

Thursday, September 15, 2005

True true Posted by Picasa