Saturday, December 18, 2004

Thanks everybody

Thanks to everybody that came to my party, I hope you had a good time. I hope the brown stuff in the hot tub is just brownie crumbs....

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Hot Tubbin

On a special request to write something happy in my blog I thought I would discuss the joys of soaking by body in my hot tub. On suggestion from Jeff I have started going for a brief soak right before bed each night and I sleep so well and my whole body feels awesome. Its great, I never really pictured myself as a hot tubbin kind of guy, but now I'm all for it. All I need now is a margarita and I will truly feel like Don Johnson.

Thursday, December 09, 2004


I really have to wonder why Comedy Central decided to make the show Shorties Watching Shorties. It's terrible. Why they would possibly think doing animation to old standup routines with lame interstitial by two hack comics from Tough Crowd was a good idea for a show is beyond me. Its really awful, and the ads are worse because its the same joke over and over. You know why people say "heard it already" when someone tells a joke they have heard? Because it only gets worse every time you hear it. I swear Comedy Central can be so good, The Daily Show is the best show on TV and Reno 911 and Drawn Together are really good too, why they would be so hit and miss is really a question.

Also a note on Colin Quinn's Tough Crowd. It went off the air because it wasn't funny, and was getting worse by the day. Maybe if Colin Quinn hadn't hosted it it would have been better because that guy really wasn't good at making the show any more than a bunch of dumbasses insulting each other. There is a reason he isn't on SNL anymore. Tough Crowd was a lame ripoff of Politically Incorrect to begin with, using crappy comics instead of people who actually know something. It only got worse when Quinn and the show's terrible regulars (the worst of whom was Nick DiPaolo) turned it into a soap box for uniformed conservative liberal bashing. Way to use your lead in form the Daily Show idiots.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004


I don't mind having to call India because my fucking brand new computer doesn't work, but the fact that then the Indian people I'm talking to say its my fault that the phone connection isn't good kind of cheeses me off. I wasn't even using my cell phone.

A note on my previous outsourcing comments: I take it back, I fucking hate talking to India. Not because Indians are bad people, but they don't hire the brightest Indians to answer the phone, and I hate all stupid people regardless of race, creed, nationality (I hate republicans regardless of intelligence so I guess I cant say political orientation here). Every time I called Dell in the last two days I had to give the operator the same spiel about how I have a Dimension XPS (Its the size of a goddamn fridge) and they have to transfer me, but every time they want to take all my info before figuring that out on their own. Now this wouldn't be so bad if then that info wasnt asked for again, but then the next fucker I talk to also asks for it and by then I'm as irate as all hell (people call me irate sometime, why I couldn't say). The additional problem with talking to India in all this is that if my call goes over the Pacific and is then forwarded back it cuts me off, so I have to pray to get one of the butt-wipes in Texas the first time. I swear if Gateways weren't such huge steaming piles of shit I would buy one.


So I had a dream last night, which seems like a really lame reason to write something on my already lame blog, but this dream was special. It was about robots! I see this as a evidence that soon the robocracy will come to pass. Admittedly this was a dream about how a giant robot (kind of like Unicron from transformers the movie) was going to kill me and my family, and so we had to use our giant robot to fight it. But still it was robots.

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Amazon Dorks

Why do people waste their time writing positive reviews of things on Amazon? Especially if they are not the first review. I mean usually these people say almost the exact same thing as the editorial review or the previous customer reviews. I also don't know why people feel the need to summarize a whole movie, that's not a review.
I have written a couple reviews on Amazon but they were for things I hated, and I felt like I had something original to say in criticism. Maybe I thrive on hate but that's just me.

Oh and why are all these people writing blogs?

Church for Sinners

I, being an atheist, have decided to start the all new Church of No God. It will be a way for other people who know that it is silly to believe in a mythological figure or some crazy guy who bummed around the middle east a couple thousand years ago to meet and talk about our beliefs, or lack there of. I know there are other like minded individuals like me who would like to hang out without having some kind of special other interest.
There will also be many other benefits of the Church of No God, one no early Sunday morning crap. I don't feel like getting up early and getting dressed nice, so I would hope once this gets off the ground to have sermons in a sensible place like a bar, or in front of the TV during a commercial break. Also no reading really old crappy writing, I plan on any written materials being delivered in comic book form.
I welcome any suggestions about how to setup my proposed non-religious institution, hopefully some day with tax-exempt status. Lets all come together and not pray for success.
I hope this doesn't truly upset anyone of dedicated faith who knows me because I really don't want to have to discuss it. Talking to religious people about why believing in a magical "creator" or a some guy whose followers claimed he was the son of god is silly really blows because Christian religion especially seems to be a very closed system with little opportunity for debate (excluding Unitarians of course). If you don't believe in things like evolution because of Jebus WAKE THE FUCK UP. And if you voted for Bush because of Christian religion please don't read my blog, since I imagine reading is probably pretty challenging for you and I wouldn't want you to take up a lot of your free time that could be devoted to hating people who are different from you. Oh, and I have nothing against Buddhists....